Helping you build yours and Irelands future
Industry Collaboration and Innovation Support
The Cluster helps to drive industry collaboration through a variety of programmes backed by Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland and the EU.
Enterprise Ireland is a government agency responsible for supporting the development of manufacturing and internationally traded services companies.
Their programmes are aimed at boosting the potential for organisations of all sizes to start up and expand, through funding and support, and to enhance research, innovation and technological development across industries.
Key programmes that the Irish Government supports.
EI/IDA Innovation Partnerships
Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland Innovation Partnerships, provide up to 80% of the cost of research work to develop new and improved products, processes or services, or generate new knowledge and know-how.
EU FP7/Horizon 2020 Collaboration Projects
The EU’s FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme) and Horizon 2020 initiatives provide funding for collaborations that enhance scientific excellence and industrial leadership and address the key societal challenges facing European Union members. We can assist our members with forming partnerships with like-minded organisations to access this funding for research projects.
Cross Industry Benchmarks
We help members develop best-practice standards taken from leading organisations which excel in their fields, thereby improving business processes and competitiveness for all members.
National Policy Reform
Through regular member surveys we gather opinion and information on the key concerns and challenges of our members and then represent these views to the key influencers within the relevant government departments. This is with a view to helping the government reform policy with the interests of its key players at heart.